Jiff Slater
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30 Jul 2021
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My Desktop – The Terminal
6 July 2008

AJ\'s Workspace (2008-06-25)This will be the final post covering my desktop.
If you look in the bottom left corner of the screenshot, you will see my terminal, rxvt-unicode.

For the most part, I’m a cli person.  I prefer the terminal because of it’s speed.

In the terminal, you can see me running irssi (an irc client) within screen, a detachable terminal multiplex.  Basically, screen allows me to continue using the terminal’s applications even in the event of an X server crash.tirssit

A terminal is basically a portal into the underlying filesystem of my Linux installation.  Much like a MS-DOS prompt, it allows me to navigate this hidden infrastructure with uncanny ease.

Some of my frequently used terminal programs include:

gnu mc (midnight commander) – a file browser

irssi – an irc client (you can find me on freenode)

vim – a text editor (although capable of much, much more)

abcde (A Better CD Encoder) – a cd ripper (makes ripping easy)

nethack – a great rpg

ncmpc – a cli client for mpd (the music player daemon)

mutt – my favourite mail user agent