Jiff Slater
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30 Jul 2021
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Some Docker and Vagrant tips
11 December 2019

While I’m slowly migrating my blog over to WordPress, I’ve been experimenting with build environments on my Mac and Linux server using a combination of Docker, Vagrant, and Ansible. Here are some of the tips I’ve compiled to improve my effectiveness using these tools.


Building and running the current context with

docker run --rm `docker build -q .`

Cleaning up all the abandoned containers.

docker system prune -a

At some point you’ll find that you want to combine multiple builds into a single file. Luckily Docker now allows multi-stage builds, see here.


Vagrant can work together with Ansible if you add the playbook information in your Vagrantfile, like so:

  config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
    ansible.playbook = "../ansible/site.yml"

The login information will automatically be copied over so Ansible can run on the virtual machine. You can also view the config by running vagrant ssh-config in the directory of the virtual machine.


When using Ansible, it’s best to split up the tasks into roles so you can reuse them later. A typical directory layout looks like:

./site.yml [playbook]: starts the entire environment.
./hosts [yaml or INI file]: contains the list of hosts.  I prefer to use the YAML format here.
./roles [directory]
./roles/common [directory]: common tasks to run on each server
./roles/common/handlers [directory]: handlers specific to common but can be used anywhere
./roles/common/tasks [directory]: list of tasks to be executed by this role
./roles/common/files [directory]: any files that need to be deployed
./roles/common/templates [directory]: a collection of templates that can be deployed with the common role
./roles/common/vars [directory]: variables (that aren't in the defaults) for the common role
./roles/common/defaults [directory]: default values for the variables for the common role deployment
./roles/common/meta [directory]: configuration files related to managing ansible

I would spend a bit of time understanding static and dynamic importing (more information here) as I think the added flexibility has the potential to cause difficult to debug errors in deployments.

Roles are then included just like any other task.


- hosts: webservers
  - include_role:
      name: foo_app_instance