Jiff Slater
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Understanding SHA256 Part 2
12 May 2018

This is the second in a three part series where we break down the SHA-2 algorithm. In this part, we’ll perform the compression algorithm upon the message to give us the final hash.

From before, we have the message M, shown below.

Block M^1^~1~  = 0x534E5344
Block M^1^~2~  = 0x80000000
Block M^1^~3~  = 0x80000000
[....blocks of zeroes.....]
Block M^1^~16~ = 0x00000020

Now we’ll start compressing the message to generate the hash.

Hash computation

We create a message schedule from the official documentation of 64 32-bit words, 8 32-bit temporary variables, and the final hash value of 8 32-bit words. The words of the message schedule have the label W0 to W63. We label the 8 temporary variables a through h and the hash values as H(i)0 through H(i)7 with the initial value being in H(0). These hash values will be replaced by the next stage hash value after each message block is processed. The final hash value will be H(N). Finally, we set aside two temporary words, T1 and T2.

Begin by setting the initial hash value to be the fractional square root of the first 8 primes.

H^0^ = 0x6a09e667
H^1^ = 0xbb67ae85
H^2^ = 0x3c6ef372
H^3^ = 0xa54ff53a
H^4^ = 0x510e527f
H^5^ = 0x9b05688c
H^6^ = 0x1f83d9ab
H^7^ = 0x5be0cd19
M^1^ = shown above

Then we run the following loop over each message block, i = 1 to N:

  1. Set the message schedule Wt:
    1. For t = 0 (inclusive) to t = 15 (inclusive), set Wt = M0t
    2. For t = 16 (inclusive) to t = 63 (inclusive):
      1. set Wt = σ(W(t-2), 1, 256) + W(t-7) + σ(W(t-15), 0, 256) + W~t(-16)
  2. Set the temporary variables:
    1. a = H(i-1)0
    2. b = H(i-1)1
    3. c = H(i-1)2
    4. d = H(i-1)3
    5. e = H(i-1)4
    6. f = H(i-1)5
    7. g = H(i-1)6
    8. h = H(i-1)7
  3. For t = 0 to t = 63:
    1. Set T1 = h + sum(e, 1, 256) + Ch(e, f, g) + Kt + Wt, Kt being the t-th prime cube root
    2. Set T2 = sum(a, 0, 256) + Maj(a, b, c)
    3. h = g
    4. g = f
    5. f = e
    6. e = d + T1
    7. d = c
    8. c = b
    9. b = a
    10. a = T1 + T2
  4. Compute the ith interstep hash value Hi:
    1. H(i)0 = a + H(i-1)0
    2. H(i)1 = a + H(i-1)1
    3. H(i)2 = a + H(i-1)2
    4. H(i)3 = a + H(i-1)3
    5. H(i)4 = a + H(i-1)4
    6. H(i)5 = a + H(i-1)5
    7. H(i)6 = a + H(i-1)6
    8. H(i)7 = a + H(i-1)7

This gives us a message schedule of the following.

W[0]: 0x534e5344
W[1]: 0x80000000
W[2]: 00000000
W[3]: 00000000
W[4]: 00000000
W[5]: 00000000
W[6]: 00000000
W[7]: 00000000
W[8]: 00000000
W[9]: 00000000
W[10]: 00000000
W[11]: 00000000
W[12]: 00000000
W[13]: 00000000
W[14]: 00000000
W[15]: 0x00000020

Once complete, the final hash is as follows: H^(N-1)0 || H^(N-1)1 || H^(N-1)2 || H^(N-1)3 || H^(N-1)4 || H^(N-1)5 || H^(N-1)6 || H^(N-1)7

Computing the hash with the program gives us:

Hash: d440a8ff c4ea4abe 93fedd94 b82e0d00 b814cc52 b65e6dff 924fccfb 6f7b429d

In the next and final part of this series, we’ll take the code (below) used to generate the hash, clean it up, and compare it with some existing implementations.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

#define PRIME_NUMBERS 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,  \
31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, \
73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, \
127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, \
179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, \
233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, \
283, 293, 307, 311

#define SHA_LENGTH 256

void print_step(char * func_name, uint32_t input, uint32_t output) {
  printf("[%s]: input: %#.8x\n", func_name, input);
  printf("[%s]: out  : %#.8x\n", func_name, output);

struct m_prime {
  unsigned int pos;
  uint32_t sqrt_frac, cbrt_frac;
  unsigned long prime;
  double sqrt, cbrt;

struct message_block {
  uint32_t block[16];
  struct message_block * next;
  uint8_t position;

struct message_schedule {
  uint32_t block[64];
  struct message_schedule * next;

struct message_block * new_message_block(void) {
  struct message_block * m = calloc(1, sizeof *m);
  m->next = NULL;
  return m;

void free_message_block(struct message_block * m) {
  if (m == NULL) return;

struct message_schedule * new_message_schedule(void) {
  struct message_schedule * m = calloc(1, sizeof *m);
  m->next = NULL;
  return m;

void free_message_schedule(struct message_schedule * m) {
  if (m == NULL) return;

struct hash {
  uint32_t value[8];

struct message_block * pad_message(char * input) {
  size_t len = 0;
  uint32_t * blk;
  uint16_t remainder;
  char ch;
  struct message_block *head, *p;
  head = new_message_block();

  p = head;

  // Determine how many message blocks we need.
  // We need [data][1 bit][zero padding][length]
  // [data] maximum length 447 bits
  // [1 bit] length = 1 bit
  // [zero padding] maximum length 447 bits
  // [length] 64 bits

  if (input == NULL) {
    head->block[0] = 1u << 31;
    return head;
  while (*(input + len) != '\0') {
    len++; // we have one character
    blk = &p->block[p->position];
    ch = *(input + len - 1);

    switch (len % 4) {
      case 1:  *blk |= ch << 24;
      case 2:  *blk |= ch << 16;
      case 3:  *blk |= ch << 8;
      default: *blk |= ch;

    if (p->position == 15 && (len % 4) == 0) { // At the end of the block
      p->next = new_message_block();
      p = p->next;
    } else { 
      if (len % 4 == 0) p->position++;

  // Append the one after this block.
  p->block[p->position] += (1u << (32 - 8 * (len % 4) - 1));

  // Calculate how many zeroes is needed.
  remainder = (len * 8) % 512;
  if (remainder > 447) { // Get a new block
    p->next = new_message_block();
    p = p->next;

  // Convert the length to count of binary.
  len *= 8;

  p->block[14] = (uint32_t) len >> 16;
  p->block[15] = (uint32_t) len;

  return head;

uint64_t calculate_fractional(double floating) {
  /* IEEE-754 double-precision
   * S: 1 bit, sign
   * E: 11 bits, exponent
   * M: 53 bits, mantissa

  uint64_t f, exponent, mantissa, fractional;

  f = *((uint64_t *) &(floating));
  exponent = ((f >> 13 * 4) & 0x7ff) - 0x3ff;
  mantissa = f & 0x000fffffffffffff;
  fractional = (((mantissa << exponent) & 0x000ffffffff00000)) >> 5 * 4;  /* Only last 4 bytes). */

  return (uint32_t) fractional;

struct m_prime * init_prime_list(unsigned int num) {
  /* Initialise variables. */
  unsigned int x;
  const unsigned int primes[]= {PRIME_NUMBERS};
  struct m_prime *p, *mp = malloc(num * sizeof *mp);

  p = mp;

  for (x = 0; x < num; x++) {
    p->prime = primes[x]; 
    p->sqrt = sqrt(primes[x]);
    p->cbrt = cbrt(primes[x]);
    p->sqrt_frac = calculate_fractional(p->sqrt);
    p->cbrt_frac = calculate_fractional(p->cbrt);


  return mp;

void print_prime_list(struct m_prime * p, unsigned int num) {
  unsigned int x;

  printf("| Numb | Prme |   Sqrt |   Cbrt | Frac (b10) |   Frac (b2) |\n");

  for (x = 0; x < num; x++) {
    printf("| %4u | %4lu | %2.4f | %2.4f | %#.8x | %#.8x  |\n", 
        x + 1,


uint32_t rotate_right(uint32_t x, uint16_t n) {
  return (x >> n) | ((x << (32 - n)));

uint32_t hash_sigma_0(uint32_t x) {
  return rotate_right(x, 7) ^ rotate_right(x, 18) ^ (x >> 3);

uint32_t hash_sigma_1(uint32_t x) {
  return rotate_right(x, 17) ^ rotate_right(x, 19) ^ (x >> 10);

uint32_t hash_sum_0(uint32_t x) {
  return rotate_right(x, 2) ^ rotate_right(x, 13) ^ rotate_right(x, 22);

uint32_t hash_sum_1(uint32_t x) {
  return rotate_right(x, 6) ^ rotate_right(x, 11) ^ rotate_right(x, 25);

uint32_t hash_ch(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z) {
  return (x & y) ^ (~x & z);

uint32_t hash_maj(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z) {
  return (x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z);

struct message_schedule * compute_message_schedule(struct message_block * mb) {
  uint8_t i;
  struct message_schedule *ms;

  if (mb == NULL)
    return NULL;

  ms = new_message_schedule();
  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    ms->block[i] = mb->block[i];

  for (i = 16; i < 64; i++) {
    ms->block[i] = hash_sigma_1(ms->block[i - 2]) + ms->block[i - 7] + hash_sigma_0(ms->block[i - 15]) + ms->block[i - 16];
  ms->next = compute_message_schedule(mb->next);

  return ms;

struct hash * perform_hash(struct hash *hash, struct message_schedule * m, struct m_prime * p) {
  if (m == NULL) return hash;

  uint32_t a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, tx, ty;
  uint8_t i;
  a = hash->value[0];
  b = hash->value[1];
  c = hash->value[2];
  d = hash->value[3];
  e = hash->value[4];
  f = hash->value[5];
  g = hash->value[6];
  h = hash->value[7];

  for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
    tx = h + hash_sum_1(e) + hash_ch(e, f, g) + (p + i)->cbrt_frac + m->block[i];
    ty = hash_sum_0(a) + hash_maj(a, b, c);
    h = g;
    g = f;
    f = e;
    e = d + tx;
    d = c;
    c = b;
    b = a;
    a = tx + ty;

    // printf("%.2u: %#.8x %#.8x %#.8x %#.8x %#.8x %#.8x %#.8x %#.8x\n", i, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);

  hash->value[0] += a;
  hash->value[1] += b;
  hash->value[2] += c;
  hash->value[3] += d;
  hash->value[4] += e;
  hash->value[5] += f;
  hash->value[6] += g;
  hash->value[7] += h;

  return perform_hash(hash, m->next, p);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    struct m_prime * p;
    struct message_block *h;
    struct message_schedule *s;
    struct hash * hash = calloc(1, sizeof *hash);
    unsigned int i, size = 64;

    p = init_prime_list(size); 

    if (argc == 1) {
    h = pad_message(NULL);
    } else {
    h = pad_message(argv[1]);

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      hash->value[i] = (p + i)->sqrt_frac;

    s = compute_message_schedule(h);

    hash = perform_hash(hash, s, p);

    printf("Hash: ");
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      printf("%8x ", hash->value[i]);
