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RHCSA Exam Prep: Part 2: Essential Tools
24 August 2019

Keywords: rhsca, preparation, exam, linux, system administrator

This is part two of my RHCSA preparation series. In this part, we’ll cover the first exam objective:

Essential tools

I imagine this is the simplest exam topic that probably won’t need anything more than a 10 minute refresher.

From the guidelines, we’ll cover:

[ET.1] Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax


The console is where you can receive output from the kernel and type commands to the kernel. Navigating between consoles is typically done with Ctrl+Alt+Fn, where n is the number of the console and F is one of the function keys. Virtual consoles are accessed at the physical machine, not remotely. Graphical installations typically take place on console 6.

Basic commands

Here are the most basic commands you will use in day-to-day administration:

Navigation and file manipulation

Output and user information

Manipulating the environment

[ET.2] Use input-output redirection (>, >>, |, 2> , etc.)

Inside bash there are three file descriptors: STDOUTSTDERR, and STDIN.


STOUT is represented by file descriptor 1. You use the redirection operator to send output somewhere else. ls 1>file1.txt sends the output of the command to the file entitled file1.txt.


STOUT is represented by file descriptor 2. You use the redirection operator to send output somewhere else. ls 2>file1.txt sends any errors from running the command to the file and still sends STDOUT to the virtual console.

Redirecting both to a file

You can reference the address of a redirection file descriptor to send them to each other.

For example, 2>&1 means send anything sent to STDERR is redirected to where STDOUT is pointing. Another way of specifying this is to use >& which is the same as the previous incantation.

Keep in mind that STDERR is an unbuffered stream so it writes output immediately. STDOUT is not so you may want to send each to different files, like so: ls >file.txt 2>file-error.txt to avoid output from STDERR to appear piecemeal inside STDOUT output.

Redirection with >>

The only difference between > and >> is that the latter appends and the former overwrites.


You can chain command output to other programs using piping. It’s much like redirection except the output comes from STDOUT of one program to the STDIN of another.

$ ls | head
$ ls | head | wc -l

Redirecting to STDIN

Using the < operator we can send input to a programs. Keep in mind that programs will not have any metadata about the input. cat < hello.txt

$ touch hello.txt
$ echo "five" > hello.txt
$ cat hello.txt
$ cat < hello.txt

[ET.3] Use grep and regular expressions to analyse text

Grep is a very useful tool that can save you hours of writing shell scripts to query results from a shell command. At it’s most basic invocation, it looks like: grep PATTERN.

Assume we have the following file called hello.txt.

Very nice to meet you.

How have you been today.

Where are you going tomorrow.

How is the weather.

See you tomorrow tomorrow

Now, we want to see how many times “tomorrow” is written in this file, we can use grep.

$ grep tomorrow hello.txt 
Where are you going tomorrow.
See you tomorrow tomorrow
$ grep -c tomorrow hello.txt 

Note that it counts line matches not individual count of the search term. If tomorrow was written twice on one line it would be counted once.


Here are the most common options you should know.

Regular expressions (regexs)

Regular expressions can’t be covered in detail here and certainly deserve their own set of books. For ease of use I recommend using Perl style regex when using grep: grep -P.

Searching the kernel control ring buffer for all usb references in the 2-2 domain.

$ dmesg | grep -Pi '.*usb 2-2\..*' | head -n3
[107075.519908] usb 2-2.1: new full-speed USB device number 4 using uhci_hcd
[107075.618612] usb 2-2.1: New USB device found, idVendor=0e0f, idProduct=0004,
bcdDevice= 1.00
[107075.618616] usb 2-2.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2,

[ET.4] Access remote systems using SSH

You’ll absolutely need to understand SSH to access your testing environment. Fortunately, the commands are pretty simple. Keep in mind OpenSSH comes from the BSD world so the command syntax is different than the GNU tools you’re used to.


These are the most common commands I use.

[ET.5] Log in and switch users in multiuser targets

SystemD is here and has replaced the init runlevels you may be familiar with. Instead, we refer to systemd targets. Thankfully, the older runlevels can still be referenced if required.


Get the default target with systemctl get-default. List current target units with systemctl list-units --type target. Set the default with systemctl set-default multi-user.target. Finally, change the current target with isolatesystemctl isolate name.target.

$ sudo systemctl get-default
$ sudo systemctl list-units --type target
UNIT                LOAD   ACTIVE SUB    DESCRIPTION                  
basic.target        loaded active active Basic System
getty.target        loaded active active Login Prompts
graphical.target    loaded active active Graphical Interface
local-fs-pre.target loaded active active Local File Systems (Pre)
local-fs.target     loaded active active Local File Systems
machines.target     loaded active active Containers
multi-user.target   loaded active active Multi-User System
network.target      loaded active active Network
nss-lookup.target   loaded active active Host and Network Name Lookups
paths.target        loaded active active Paths
remote-fs.target    loaded active active Remote File Systems
slices.target       loaded active active Slices
sockets.target      loaded active active Sockets
swap.target         loaded active active Swap
sysinit.target      loaded active active System Initialization
time-set.target     loaded active active System Time Set
time-sync.target    loaded active active System Time Synchronized
timers.target       loaded active active Timers

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.

18 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

The main runlevel targets:

Switching users

Switch users can be done using su.

$ su john

[ET.6] Archive, compress, unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2

The tar command is the default and lauded command to package sets of files and directories together as well as compress them. The default and preferred compression format is bzip2. It can be used with tar or separately.


Modern day tar has sane defaults and an invocation with xf will usually decompress any file it can handle: tar xf file.

More options:


If you receive a bzipped file, you can use bzip2 to decompress them in the current directory – which will result in a file named the same sans the bz2 extension.

[ET.7] Create and edit text files

Become familiar with vi and ed just in case you are dropped into an emergency shell.

[ET.8] Create, delete, copy, and move files and directories

You can reference ET.1 for some of the basic commands here. Things to keep in mind:

[ET.9] Create hard and soft links

ln is the tool of choice to create links. ln -s creates soft links and simple ln creates hard links. Hard links are essentially the same file so if you delete one you’ll delete the other. Soft links are a reference so you can delete the soft link without removing the target.

I often get the order mixed up (TARGET vs LINK_NAME) for linking files:

       ln - make links between files

       ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME
       ln [OPTION]... TARGET
       ln [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY TARGET...

       ln - make links between files

I fixed that problem by remembering that ln will create the link in the current directory if the link name is not specified. That way you know that the link name is the 2nd argument.

[ET.10] List, set, and change standard ugo/rwx permissions

There are a lot of tricks to changing permissions that are much easier than remembering the octals (777, for example). You can directly reference the target ugo for user, group, and other respectively and then use an operator along with the permission to be affected.

For example, to give the group permissions to read and write, you can issue: chmod g+rw.

Listing permissions is given by ls -l.

Sticky bit

Means that only the owner can delete the file. Good for /tmp directories.


Simply means that when the file in question is executed it will be executed with the permissions of the owner. Can be checked by looking at ls output and seeing the s bit set in place of execute. If it’s a capital S then the execute bit hasn’t been set.

[ET.11] Locate, read, and use system documentation including man, info, and files in /usr/share/doc

For the exam, my goal is to generally avoid documentation where possible — simply because I want to know the command well enough to go from memory. That being said, you may blank of the order of options so I’d generally recommend to get bash-completion installed first and then go to the manpage.

Bash completion

Can be installed with yum install bash-completion.

Man pages

Man pages can be read with man command. It’s split into sections (see man man) and you’ll probably only need to know sections 1 (executable programs), 5 (file formats), and 8 (system administration commands).

Info documents

Consider info documents a newer, more comprehensive version of man pages. Typically man pages will be enough to understand how to run the program but you’ll find that GNU utilities have a very well written info document. Open them with info command.


Often the /usr/share/doc directory contains a lot more details and sample configuration files. Keep that in mind if you need to start a service or define a configuration and you don’t know how to get started. Use grep to find the service/config name and work from there.